How To Make Your Presentation Go Viral with Peppermint


What I learned from PR Hacker Labs session at Angel Hack is CRUCIAL to delivering your product to the global market. One must provide a larger context around a product, to be able to get picked up by news media, talk shows, and become a trending expert in your field.

“No matter how amazing your product may be, great features alone will not attract the media attention you need.”

Create a story based on niche and wide markets, and keep pumping out those customized stories to different media venues. A-B test the stories in the field to see which one captures the most emotional response.

Speak not about what your platform is, but about what assistance or tips that are provided to the user. By putting the attention on helping your audience, they will feel good, informed, and engaged.

Work quickly and ride on the coattails of Breaking News cycles. If something in the media is out there related to your product, then mention it! You have 24 hours within breaking news, to follow up with a related story on that same news outlet (Get on TV! Why not?)

Make sure that the media coverage is making people do what you want them to do (i.e. become a customer, engage in your cause, or download), otherwise it’s not enough!

I loved to learn from the phenomenal PR Hacker speaker. Peppermint will be helping you to create viral presentations, speeches, and pitches, much like this presentation. You can practice in the confidence of your own home. Good speakers make a LOT of money!

Speaker One-hour lecture fee
Bill Clinton $150,000+
Malcolm Gladwell $80,000
Garry Kasparov $75,000+
David Allen $50,000 – $75,000
Patrick Lencioni $50,000 – $75,000
Ben Stein $50,000 – $75,000
Wayne Gretsky $50,000+
Magic Johnson $50,000+
Bob Kostas $50,000+
Ray Kurzweil $35,000 – $50,000
Roger Staubach $25,000 – $30,000
Dave Barry $25,000 – $30,000

(These fees were compiled from public listings on various speaker bureau websites. Most sites note that these fees are variable and may change at any time. See or http:// )

Peppermint can help you to track and improve your speaking and presentation talents. Please remember to Follow This Blog until our Launch!

For more new PR strategies, please check out and go viral!

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